Cary and Deborah Grant |
W. Howard Thompson |
Alexa Georges and Jerry Armatis |
Janet and W. Scott Wilson Jr. |
Valerie Grubb |
James Douglas Hislop |
Deven and Elston Howard | Peter Schlessel |
Michael Mimeles | Aimee and Michael Siegel |
Jason Waguespack and Jeffery Morgan | Felicia Beebe Stallard |
Andy Armstrong | Janice Green | Stephen Rehage |
Laura Ashley | Alissa and Ted Kantrow | Paige Royer and Kerry Clayton |
Rudy Bazenet | Valerie Lamb | Erick Sanchez |
Tony Bright, Esq. | Henry Lambert and Carey Bond | Doug Spearman |
Anne Chaisson | Casey Lipscomb | Felicia Beebe Stallard |
Candace Chase and Richard Levich | Dodd Loomis | Ronald Swartz |
Christopher J. Colbert | Greg Lucas | Jeffray and Jennifer Teague |
Camille Debose | Beverly and Dr. Robert Matheney | Johnathan Thomas |
Bruno Doria | Eva and Andrew Martinez | Lisa Thompson |
The Emile Dumesnil Family Foundation | Virginia McCollam and Andy Ryan |
David Bernard and Charles Urstadt
Monica Ann Frois and Eve Barrie | Jonathan McHugh | Richard Weening |
Katherine and Tony Gelderman | Milk Punch Media | Stephen Williams |
Bill Glew | Gina Monette | Ariel Wilson-Harris |
Monique Gougisha-Doucette | Amy Neill |
The New Orleans Film Society is supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency; Perspective Fund; the Ford Foundation; the MacArthur Foundation; in part by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans as administered by Arts New Orleans; the City of New Orleans and the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Economy; the New Orleans Recreation and Cultural Fund; the New Orleans Tourism and Cultural Fund; South Arts; and the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts, and administered by Arts New Orleans.
Please contact Sarah Escalante at to request a sponsorship prospectus and to begin a discussion about a sponsorship arrangement customized to your brand’s needs.

We know how many worthy causes vie for everyone’s attention on GiveNOLA Day, and we greatly appreciate our 62 individual donors who chose to support NOFS on this special day of giving on May 7, 2024.
Your generosity plays a vital role in sustaining the vibrancy of the New Orleans Film Festival and French Film Festival, empowering our pitch programs – South Pitch and New Orleans Pitch – to benefit more budding filmmakers, expanding the reach of our South Summit convening to engage more filmmakers and fans, and ensuring the continued success of our two filmmaker labs – the Emerging Voices Directors Lab and the Southern Producers Lab – in providing valuable learning and guidance.
Thank you 2024 GiveNOLA Day Supporters!
Maddox Alexander
Laura Ashley
James Bagwell
Will Baudoin
Ruth Boulet
Beau Bratcher
Trey Burvant
Deborah V Chapman
Susannah Coolidge
Peg Culligan
Lisa Davis
Peter Drago
Jeanne Exnicios
James Gelarden
Alexa Georges
Alliance Francaise de la Nouvelle-Orléans
Justin Gibson
Stefanie Gilheany
Monique Gougisha Doucette
Mary Hall
Seth Harris and Julie Schwam Harris
Beth Herstein
James Hislop
Diane A. Ireland
Joe Kimbrell
Casey Lipscomb
Marie Lovejoy
Beverly Matheney
Skye McLeod
Mamta Melwani
Andrew Mendez
Gina Monette
Suzy Montero
Steven Montgomery
Amy Nesbitt
Nell Nolan
Timothy Pupo
Karon Reese
Crescent City Technologies
Donna Santiago
Jen Sharp
Juli Shipley
Henna Silvennoinen
Felicia Stallard
Tiffany Tate-Logan
Tectus Security and Private Investigations
W Howard Thompson
Melissa Townsend
Jason Waguespack
Sarah Escalante and Jared Van Eck
Fritz Westenberger
Brittany Williams
48 Hour Film Project
And our eight anonymous donors!