Oct 19, 23

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SAT OCT 19 | 12:00PM | TUBI THEATER AT CAC – filmmakers in attendance.

Dios Nunca Muere
USA, Ireland | 2018 | 14 MIN
DIR: Barbara Cigarroa

When a new mobile home arrives on the farm where they live with dozens of other undocumented families, Paula allows herself and her children to imagine the home is their own – if only for a moment.


What Do You Know About the Water and the Moon
China | 2019 | 16 MIN
DIR: Jian Luo

During an attempted abortion, a girl gives birth to a live jellyfish.


USA | 2018 | 20 MIN
DIR: A.V. Rockwell

Elizier, an emotionally-dejected new enrollee at The Edward R. Mill School for Lost Boys, must overcome memories of a tragic past and the present hazing by his peers.


Manila is Full of Men Named Boy
Philippines, USA | 2018 | 21 MIN
DIR: Andrew Stephen Lee

Manila, July 7, 2009. Michael Jackson’s funeral is televised throughout The Philippines, while terrorists attack in the south. An estranged son purchases a child who can drink and smoke to impress his father.


USA | 2018 | 14 MIN
DIR: Connor Hurley

On a summer day, a group of unattended kids perform a dangerous initiation ritual, incapable of understanding its life-changing potential.


Washed Away
USA | 2019 | 12 MIN
DIR: Ben Kallam

A teenage girl in an evangelical church youth group must deal with the fallout when her trust is publicly betrayed.


This screening is free thanks to the generous support of The Helis Foundation.